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Friday, November 10, 2006

The Artist's Way - Morning Pages Again?

I don't know if I will actually keep with this, but I'm going to put a pen and notebook by the bed when I go to sleep tonight and hope that I start the morning pages from The Artist's Way, which I sadly lost my way in keeping up with some time ago. Maybe this will help loosen some creative juices, or at least just clear my head before starting my day.

If I do this, I will try to write a short story or something to post tomorrow, and if I keep up with it I will do the same each day for at least three days. That is, as long as I keep up with my morning pages, I'll keep up with a short story a day, and see how things progress. Will this show improvements each day from the morning pages? Who knows, if anything writing again at all will be very beneficial.

This outlet might help give some motivation. If anyone at all actually reads this, comment so I have some motivation.

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